Pati, I. et al
At a summit whose results hold the potential to shape the coming scientific landscape, the nation’s top babies convened to discuss the presently developing radical hypothesis that when Mommy plays peekaboo, she merely disappears behind her hands rather than the currently accepted theory that she phases out of existence entirely.
“We are seeing more and more evidence that Mommy is still there when she disappears behind her hands, as opposed to the currently accepted theory that she phases out of existence entirely,” says head researcher Baby JJ, who pioneered the discovery that little baby fists can close.
Skeptics of the theory are many, citing the lack of eyewitness accounts of Mommy existing behind her hands.
“Baby JJ is a quack and an idealogue,” said leading ‘disappearist’ researcher, Dr. Baby Charlotte, to a panel of reporters from the world’s most prominent baby news sources, “There is simply no scientific evidence that Mommy still exists when we cannot see her.”
The professor added, “Article 19B of the Baby Science Code clearly states that the only types of experimental data that hold up in Baby Court are things we can see and things we can put in our mouths. When Mommy plays peekaboo, Mommy is neither.”
The summit concluded in a unanimous vote that should empirical evidence arise that Mommy indeed ceases to exist when behind her hands, the babies will reconvene to discuss the issue of eating pennies when she’s not around.