Singh, A. et al.
Rats In A Maze
A tried and true classic! Test the intelligence of a group of rats by having them run a maze in order to achieve a cheese reward! All you’ll need is some cheese, rats from the pet store, and some cardboard to construct the maze. Unfortunately, you’ve underestimated the rats desire to escape, so they will quickly chew through the cardboard and dash off into your house. Guess they are pretty smart after all!
Testing Human Reaction Time: Can You Catch A Rat?
So the rats are loose, who cares? This is an opportunity for you to put yourself in an experiment, and see if you’re quick enough to get these rats out of your house by yourself. You’ll want gloves, but you won’t have any because you normally just steal them from the lab, so you’re going to raw dog this. But when you finally catch one after hours of hunting it will bite you and you will get sick. Despite the three days of fever and hallucination you will undergo, you will proudly record that humans are quicker than rats.
Creating A Bioweapon To Eliminate Rats
You get some rat blood and try to perform a PCR on various sections of rat DNA in order to create a targeted virus to destroy the rat community that’s becoming increasingly more comfortable in your house. After running it a number of times in a very literal water bath you created in your tub, you think you’ve found a vulnerability, and set to work creating your virus. You will quickly figure out that, due to the presence of your own DNA in the tub, you’ve only succeeded in creating a virus that targets you. By the time you realize this, however, you will be in the middle of more fevers and hallucinations. It seems the virus you synthesized is the same one you had before. Wow! Nature is wild!
If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, Join ‘Em: Becoming A Rat
You’ve exhausted all options, and the rats have only increased in number. The entire community has a combined mass that is ten times your own, and you think they’re beginning to realize that. Time to switch teams! This experiment we’re not actually sure how to conduct, but if you figure it out, please let us know, as our apartments are now all mostly rats, and we can’t find Sarah.